This slot is intended for N-term tags, such as affinity tags, solubilization tags or localization tags. This slot is flanked by a NdeI restriction site (CATATG) at the 5' that encodes for the start Methionine so you don't need to place one. In addition, this slot is flanked by a Kpn2I at the 3' (TCCGGA) that encodes for Ser-Gly linker to allow in-frame fusion protein with the downstream slot (your custom gene).
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Current choice for
“N-terminus domain”
Coding sequence of a monomeric red fluorescent protein optimized for the expression in E. coli through Doulix's protein sequence optimizer. The sequence contains no start nor stop codon. The original non-optimized sequence ( is available in biomodule M1LCLRL.
The ACDC collection was designed by members of the ACDC consortium supported by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Grant agreement No 824060.